Hydrosphere Technologies provides the following core services:
[accordion id=”my-accordion”] [accordion_item parent_id=”my-accordion” title=”Environmental Site Assessment (ESA)” open=”false”]
Hydrosphere Technologies conducts professional site evaluations to assess the potential environmental liabilities associated with real property acquisition and ownership. This information can greatly impact the economics of a property transaction, affecting the owner, buyer, seller and lender. Environmental Site Assessments are typically separated into Phase I (non-intrusive) and Phase II (intrusive) evaluations that are conducted to CSA standards in Canada and ASTM standards in the United States.
A Phase I Environmental Site Assessment is a report prepared for a real estate holding which identifies specific environmental contamination liabilities. The analysis typically addresses both the underlying land as well as physical improvements to the property; however, techniques applied in a Phase I ESA never include actual collection of physical samples or chemical analyses of any kind. Scrutiny of the land includes examination of potential soil contamination, groundwater quality, surface water quality and sometimes issues related to toxic uptake by biota. The examination of a site may include: definition of any chemical residues within structures; identification of possible asbestos containing building materials; inventory of toxic substances stored or used on site; assessment of mold and mildew; and evaluation of other indoor air quality parameters.
Phase II Environmental Site Assessment is an investigation which collects original samples of soil, groundwater or building materials to analyze for quantitative values of various contaminants. This investigation is normally undertaken when a Phase I ESA determines a likelihood of site contamination. The most frequent substances tested are petroleum hydrocarbons, heavy metals, pesticides, solvents, asbestos and mold.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item parent_id=”my-accordion” title=”Site Remediation & Restoration”]
Hydrosphere Technologies staff have implemented hundreds of environmental remediation and site restoration projects. We have a proven record of selecting the best remedial technology for site-specific applications, by carefully evaluating such factors as remediation goals and objectives, site characteristics, technology effectiveness, schedule, budget, and public concerns.
We have successfully attained site closure by using both well-established and emerging technologies. Our remedial action skill sets ensures that our clients receive cost-effective services. These savings are realized by, but not limited to, the following:
- Performance-Based Contracting
- Operations and Maintenance
- System Optimization
- Oxygenates and Chlorinated Solvents
- In situ and ex situ technologies
- Pilot Scale Studies
- Engineering Design
- Construction Management
[/accordion_item][accordion_item parent_id=”my-accordion” title=”Environmental Compliance Audits” open=”false”]
Environmental auditing is similar to financial auditing that has been conducted since the early 1900s. Where financial audit verifies that a company’s finances are being managed correctly, the environmental audit ensures that a company’s environmental responsibilities are also being managed correctly.
Hydrosphere Technologies has conducted environmental audits for companies and energy trusts to evaluate their performance against various criteria. The two most common criteria are environmental regulations (federal, provincial, municipal, industry specific, etc.) and the company’s internal management system (environmental, health and safety, industry specific, etc.)
We have helped numerous clients to reduce their exposure to environmental liability through the use of environmental audits. These evaluations have lead to cost savings through the improvement of the company’s management systems and subsequent reduction of environmental impact.
No matter the size of the audit (government, industry or household) or the level of change the audit brings (complex energy saving programs or a recycling program); the cumulative effect of the audit can benefit us all.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item parent_id=”my-accordion” title=”Water Well Rehabilitation”]
Declining yield and deteriorating water quality from water well supplies is a concern to all water well users. These changes in well dynamics can be the consequences of microbial fouling of the well system and of the aquifer that a well system accesses. Regular monitoring, ongoing maintenance and appropriate well treatments will maintain the viability of a groundwater supply by preventing losses in well yield and reducing the contamination risk. A properly maintained well will provide a reliable quantity and quality of groundwater.
Historically, water well treatment has meant the introduction of a chemical “cure” to the well. One problem in considering chemical treatment is that they seldom work well alone and need to be used in conjunction with types of treatment techniques. The problem is that common practice from the1970s onward emphasized the chemical selection and dosage, and de-emphasized the importance of (time-consuming) mechanical development.
As such, it has been identified that there is a need within the marketplace to provide clients with consulting services for the remediation of biofouled wells using a combination of chemical and mechanical methods.
But, what is biofouling?
Biofouling is the term used to describe water well deterioration caused by microbiological activity (bacteria). Well deterioration can take the form of:
- Deteriorating water quality over time. This includes taste and odour as well as other water quality problems.
- Reduced well yield due to clogging of well screens or the aquifer itself.
- Red or black slime on pumps, well screens, or in the distribution system (toilet tanks, cisterns, etc.). These slimes can lead to increased corrosion of steel well casing, stainless steel well casing, stainless steel well screens, etc.
Nuisance bacteria are naturally present in groundwater. Pumping a well in increases the food supply for these bacteria, causing their population to rapidly expand in the vicinity of the well and in the distribution system. The bacteria form a slime or biofilm, which captures mineral scale and other deposits that move to the well during pumping. These deposits can reduce water quality, well yield, and well life expectancy.
Hydrosphere Technologies (Hydrosphere) has been formed as a consulting firm specializing in the rehabilitation of biologically impacted extraction and disposal wells. This work is conducted with the use of the techniques developed and tested by ARCC, Inc. of Daytona Beach, FL and primarily employs the patented Blended Chemical Heat Treatment (BCHT) system developed by ARCC. This system has been employed at various sites across North America and world wide.
The mission of Hydrosphere is to provide clients with well rehabilitation options to recover lost yields and to return functionality to groundwater systems. This work is conducted by a highly skilled professional team working together using microbiological science, practical experience and a common sense approach to project management.
[/accordion_item] [accordion_item parent_id=”my-accordion” title=”Project Management”]Hydrosphere Technologies has a wealth of experience in the application of engineering technology principles for the project management of human and environmental health problems. This experience includes the application of innovative and practical solutions to environmental problems found in industrial and commercial settings. Hydrosphere Technologies staff routinely plan and manage monitoring, characterization and remediation projects that range in size from single well installations to multimillion dollar monitoring programs. Our focus is on deploying innovative approaches designed to bring about long-term cost-savings.
Emphasis is placed on critical factors that are often unique to a major environmental project, such as the uncertainty surrounding scope definition for environmental cleanup projects and the evolving environmental regulatory environment. Our staff have the resources and experience to develop environmental project plans, establish project organization and staffing, define management functions, develop time management approaches, resolve project conflicts, determine project effectiveness, implement integrated project management techniques such as the Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT) and the Critical Path Method (CPM) as they relate to environmental project management, perform pricing and cost estimating, establish cost control, set priorities, and perform tradeoff analyses. [/accordion_item]
Other Related Services:
- Environmental liability assessments and audits
- Facility decommissioning and demolition
- Groundwater monitoring and sampling
- Indian Oil and Gas Canada environmental audits
- Risk assessment and site-specific guideline development
- Site reclamation
- Spill response
- Environmental planning, inspection, and monitoring
- Pre and post pipeline construction assessment
- Vegetation and weed management
- Underground storage tank removal – Urban
- Waste and recycling consulting
- Regulatory advisory, approvals, and renewals